What is CBD oil?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a compound found naturally in hemp plants. Unlike THC (the active cannabinoid in marijuana), CBD is not intoxicating which means it will not get you high. CBD interacts with a series of receptors in your body known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS relates to a number of important systems in your body and helps keep your internal rhythms in optimal balance.

Why do people take CBD oil?

People use CBD to support their overall well-being in many ways. Some may need help with really specific issues. Others are supporting their overall well-being. People use CBD for various reason. Our provider can prescribe medical marijuana as well. Please call us at 407-705-3222 to inquire about the state approved program.

We have limited supplies of facemasks for those that need extra. If you are coming to the office for a face-to-face visit, we provide free of charge for our patient only. We apologize that we are unable to provide for everyone else due to the high demand. Please stay safe and stay healthy.

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